
ESP 12E Nodemcu Motor Controller


  • Motor shield for ESP-12E
    This is the first motor shield for ESP8266 based on ESP-12E and It is very convenient and cheap to diy a WiFi controllable motors , DC motors, stepper motors, servo motor.. etc.
  • using ESP-12 DEV KIT development shield module;
  • extend the output ports for ESP-12 DEVKIT: SPI, UART, GPIO, AI and 3.3V power interface;
  • extend 2-ways motor, then can directly drive 2-ways motor;
  • design a power switch;
  • driven chip: L293D;
  • voltage for motor: 4.5V-36V;
  • voltage for ESP control board: 4.5V-9V;
  • disparate the power of ESP board and motor for avoiding the interference. In our experiments, for convenience, a shortcut module is used to connect VIN and VM for the power of ESP board and motor.
SKU: MC1002 Categories: , , ,